Chaosmic - 3D UV Original Painting - Acrylics on Canvas 18x24"

Chaosmic - 3D UV  Original Painting -  Acrylics on Canvas 18x24"

Chaosmic - 3D UV Original painting - acrylics on canvas 18x24

by Humo Maya.

You will see it in 3D or more dimensions, mostly under blacklight, but will also look 3D under regular light, and glows in the dark.⠀⠀

Photo 1: Under blacklight ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Photo 2: Lights off, Glow in the Dark⠀⠀⠀⠀
Photo 3: Under Natural Light ⠀⠀

(Free Shipping to the US or anywhere in the world).

Painting will come 2 a pair of Chroma Depth 3D Glasses and a black light.